The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nature Gangster

This nature Gangsta scored big today!
Check it out, nine point buck with a gorgeous rack; I'm rich!
I've been smelling this unfortunate city deer for months on my rail road trekking, just been waiting for him to air out a bit more. He put off a powerful stank. I finally investigated weeks ago and much to my delight, a whole deer was just laying there for the taking, harvesting, decapitating, what have you.
Today Kerrie came over and when I told her about my plan to go get it she said "Let's go right meow!"
There's no time like the present, so off we went. Kerrie wanted this Pit Bull skull which I'd also had on my list, so I separated his head and gave it to her. She hates dogs and she also didn't want to touch it, but she was a pretty good partner, taking pics for me, carrying the shovel and "nasty-bag". Thusly, I told her she'd earned her Nature Gangster cred.
Doesn't she look like a straight THUG here?

Look at this rack! I haven't even decided what I'll do with this; do I keep the skull intact or cut off the antlers and mount them on a super-fly plaque of my own creation?
Skin is tough and sinewy and I was only able to remove one foot today. I couldn't find my utility knife and no, I wasn't going to use my pocket knife. I eat with that and even I am not that gross. A fresh deer, sure...but not this guy.
These little cloven hooves are just so pretty and sweet. My mind races with ideas of what I could do with all four!
I assume he was hit by the train. It seems like a safe assumption, but his location was way off from the raised tracks, down a woodsy gulley and up against this fence. Still, a train could certainly throw him that far.
This is how I discovered him, you can imagine my delight.
After we were done, we loaded up our prizes in the back of the truck and headed home feelin' like a million bucks.
Life is short, take time to stop and pick up the roadkill.