The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fall is in the air!

I can hardly stand it; I spent the first three days this week outside and I spent today at Bran's taking part in the art storm that is now in full effect over there. And Fall is on it's way!
While working in the yard I heard crickets chirping in broad daylight, well it was deliciously overcast but you know what I mean. That is a sure sign that the Fall equinox is around the next bend, also a sure sign that life is magical and I've nearly made it through another Dirty South summer with ms confined to air conditioned spaces. In case you don't know already, I take Fall, the autumnal equinox and Halloween deadly serious. The equinox is less than a month away on September 23, can you even stand it?
Here is one of Bran's Devil lanterns, isn't he nefariously dashing?
Bran's house is similar to mine in that there's really cool stuff crammed into every nook & corner, and chandeliers double as hanging racks for works in progress.
These snowflakes have had faces sculpted on them and are awaiting finishing touches. They're hanging from her kitchen chandelier and I really love them because they are so pretty and I too have art I've done hanging from my kitchen chandelier.
I have been terribly uncreative this summer, I really attribute it to the heat, it's just unbearable for me. August is the 2 PM of the months in the year; it sucks. 2 PM is my lowest point of the day and August is my lowest point in the year. I'll be glad to see September come. September is my savior; it offers cool, soothing redemption in the form of pure magic. The Earth takes on an entirely new persona, everything changing, I smell it, taste it in the air, feel it in my bones and on my skin, it makes my crown chakra feel all sparkly. What can I say? I'm in love with this, the most magnetic season. Just like a moth to a flame, I'm so drawn to it.
Along with all these most cherished simple pleasures the changing season brings, I feel enlivened to get back to my silver. I have taken to using scraps leftover from my jewelry making as hooks and things in my house. They are just so pretty and unusual. After I remove the rivets I just run screws through the holes right into the wall. I've been saving 3 to use as drawer pulls on a small chest, high up on cabriole legs. Just wait 'till you see that. It goes with my black bed and I'm tempted to screw these right onto my headboard to tie the pieces together visually. I'm a bit reluctant to drill new holes into any furniture...but you only live once, right?
Tomorrow is my infusion, which I missed today. I enjoyed it in the heat of the summer, but I fear it may crush my soul to be hemmed up in a windowless outpatient oncology center on one of the most beautiful afternoons of the year so far.
I am taking a bit of chain maille to work on, although I'll be done with that in about 20 minutes. After that I have a wonderful treat, a book loaned to me by my Dad; The Poet Of Tolstoy Park. I will have a synopsis of that later. For now I'll just say it is beyond wonderful and has me going around barefoot more than usual, which is to say a LOT.
So everyone be sure to enjoy nature tomorrow afternoon for me. I will be thinking of my one true love, Fall and hoping that you are taking moments to really savor it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Nature Fix Is In!

It has been a long, long time that I've been cooped up indoors, held captive by the summer heat.
My pagan heart has been itching for its nature fix and today I finally got it! I don't know what the temperature actually was, but it felt like about 75 degrees and low humidity.
I spent the entire day outside. I can breathe again.

Just when I'm feeling sad to see summer go I'm reminded of how luscious & all consuming the changing seasons can be. It's music to my soul. I love feeling the sun on my skin, working in the dirt and plants, sweating, getting blisters from so much vine pulling. Ah, sweet sweet redemption.

And I mean redemption. The last month has been lots of nasty heat and bad ozone coupled with even more disconcerting stuff that I won't even go into. This blog is not a platform for all the bad stuff.
So back to the good part, I think tomorrow will be more of the same! My car is currently in the shop, "forcing" me to stay home and work in the yard. Guilt free! It is a win-win situation.
So I will try to wind down and get rested up for a long nature appreciation day tomorrow.
I'm more excited than a kid on Christmas eve!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer's End Approaches

Summer is all about being outside most importantly, second only to hosting Girl's Nights and imbibing with friends.
Summer is drawing to a close (nearly), and I have to admit this Fall lovin' woman is kinda sad to see it go. I spent half the afternoon at Vanessa's pool, soaking up some more UV rays before it's too late. There's only about a month of swimming weather left, and that makes me sad.
Early summer is just right for tubing at the Farm in the Big Pond, but these last few weeks it has been too hot for me.
Opening day of Dove Season draws neigh, and I usually take that last opportunity to go for a swim in the Pond, the sound of shotguns taking down those delicious birds punctuating the air with excitement!
My favorite Uncle Tom usually comes from LA and another treasure, his friend C.P. comes with him from Mississippi. They shoot doves & drink beer, and at the end of the day they take their bags down to the pond and "peel" doves for Dad to stuff with butter, wrap in bacon and grill.
That is an occasion worthy of a full blog post!
It is a tradition marking the end of summer, and the beginning of harvest season, dove harvesting at least. It's like clockwork, and it bears great significance in my mind.
I am not teasing myself by allowing thoughts of Fall come into my brain yet, that would give me season confusion; Fall is serious business in the mind of Dusti.
So for now I'll spend as much time outside in a bathing suit as weather permits, and try to keep Fall Fever at bay.
It's harder than it sounds...