The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cure For Cabin Fever II

Days of bein' holed up, still getting the studio together, rearranging, working, crashing.
A last minute final touch, the scroll making. As part of our Rasputin inspired event we decided to serve "cyanide tea" with cakes, his last meal. I used a small collection of tiny glass vials as vessels for handwritten fortune scrolls, cutting the paper long enough so it would stick out of the top for easy retrieval.
 I inscribed ten different predictions or proverbs on each and stuck the vials in cake squares, like birthday candles.
And served them in coffee filters on a silver tray for studio visitors. They were adorable! And the homemade chocolate cake Brandi baked was delish! I don't know that each and every one was appreciated as I had intended, but I know one was. A friend's little girl told her Daddy "I want to take it with me to Momma's house", proving her appreciation. If the fortune scrolls only reached one little girl, it was worth it!
Up in the gallery Thorin, a fellow Clearwater artist did a cool instalation in the fancy old elevator cage. It was mirrored on four sides with a ghost lit up on the floor and extension cords repeating infinitely in the surrounding reflections.
It was so inviting, just being there with a big gaping open door, looking all exciting and interesting and I invited myself and Vanessa to stick our heads right in for full effect! We attempted some pictures and "ooh'd and aah'd" and just as we were retreating-BAM! A blow to the cranium! The ghost nailed me in the head with a piece of plywood, it seems a certain sister had left the door open, it was not intended for you to stick your head in, guillotine style. Fortunately my skull is built like an interior combat helmet and I was unperturbed and unharmed.
Friends came by, wine was imbibed, scrolls were unfurled, merriment was made. Another longtime friend Sally slings fire, poi like balls of flames on two chains that she slings around vigorously in a decidedly groovy fashion. She performed for us right in our own building! It was the fanciest. All while we sat around our fancily rearranged parlor area and I did not take the first picture! I normally take pictures almost compulsively, but sometimes you just have to be, just exist in the now and enjoy being fully present for the moment, and that's what I did.
It was great.
Here's to many more!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cabin Fever I

Cabin Fever is the name of our studio event this Friday, the 22nd.
The last little bit has been getting ready for this, and I've had a wintertime cold type thing for days.
I went in today to wrap up one of the projects, a planchette for the custom OUIJA board. Very fun stuff.
At the bandsaw today, tragedy struck; the power coupler for my Shopsmith plum busted! The nerve. Not to worry, I can replace it for about $30, but damn, thanks timing.
At some point during the nose to the grindstone I took a break to just be sick and enjoy the snow! One could not ask for better layin' around weather.
We also take breaks while shuffling to and fro for gyppy WHATABURGER soft serve for everybody. Cassie is quick on her feet, dashing in and out and divvying up cones to all. She's make a great carhop!
Back to the studio with a carload of kids and a belly full of chocolate and vanilla swirl.
Bran & I worked together on the mirror. She is fast at knockin' out a tracing and I love the tedium toiling of painting the etching acid onto the glass. What a quality OUIJA board, it will be the finest in all the land!
Back among the civilized to spend the night in Charlotte and rest up for the home stretch starting tomorrow!