The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have been sick for almost a week exactly. The first few days I lived off NyQuil and gingerale. First I thought it was the flu but it was just strep throat. Anyhow, I have been hemmed up inside since last Wednesday and have felt too crappy to even write anything. The only thought that ran through my head was "put me out of my misery"!
Why is it that like so many other things in life, sickness and pain can not be remembered, you only know abstractly how you would quantify its level?
You remember The stinkiest thing you've ever smelled in your life? Of course you do, but you can't remember how it smelled, only how to try to express its level of nastiness. By the way, the stinkiest thing I've ever smelled in my life was some rotten chicken forgotten in the microwave back in '94. But that's a whole other story...
But as I was saying, illness is like that. I always think of it when I'm sick, but I think I'm glad I forget it; I don't want to remember anything as bad as being racked with a high fever. It's a good thing you can't remember it. It's like my sister has said about childbirth; if you could really could remember how bad it hurt you'd only do it once. She said to herself after natural childbirth of her first born "Well, I'm glad I did that because I'll never do it again!" But the body thankfully forgets.
I spent hours and hours of lying around in a fevered haze, so of course this picture of Scrub curled up with me is from weeks ago. I really did enjoy all my familiars during this illness. Mixie, Scrub and Roxi would all pile up around me like little heaters when I had the chills.
This is the first time I've been sick in a year which is great! It was a first since I got Roxi, and I kind of anticipated it would be torture taking care of her while I was in this condition. I have to say she was a perfect angel. The first time I took her out I told her we would not be doing this our usual twelve times a day and she needed to make the most of it. I looked into her brown eyes and I swear she understood me! I think I took her out twice that first day. Then we'd get back in bed and she would snuggle up close to me and take care of me. She was a doll.

I wish I had felt up to taking a picture of her at the time, but I was miserable and my bed was all balled up tissues and the vaporizer and medicine and crap all over the place; not my bedroom's finest moment.
So now I need to stretch out my sore neck, take a shot of NyQuil and climb into bed. Tomorrow when I wake up I will feel even better than I did this morning and who knows? I may even venture out of the house!


Shes Off Her Rocker said...

DUSTI!! I love your animals took such good care of you. SO sorry you were so sick. I am so missing you! We are missing all our usual Christmas fun! Thrifting, baking, makig things, etc. We have to spend LOTS of time together soon!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking you're ignoring me because I wrote a sarcastic e-mail. Now I realize I'm totally self-centered and selfish. You're SICK.

I ALWAYS forget what it feels like to be sick. I remember always saying when I'm getting sick, "I've got that weird feeling in my chest, and my body aches like I'm getting sick." But I can't remember until I'm sick or pre-sick. Strange.

Also----what the HECK body part is that above the cat? My imagination is running away with me.

Dusti said...

I'd never ignore you, that wouldn't be proper fellowship etiquette!
And that is my lower leg and foot you sicko!