The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little bit of tombstone wisdom.

I was just looking at this picture I took Tuesday and wanted to tell you something about it.
See the decorative edge around this stone? That motif is called "Egg and Dart". It is one of my favorites among woodwork and architectural trim. It has been traditionally used among graveyard ornaments for ages because of its symbolism.
The egg is of course a symbol of life, containing the promise of new life within while the dart is a deadly weapon, delivering death to all that it pierces. Thus the cycle of life and death. You can't have one without the other.
Isn't that lovely?
Carry on!


Lisa said...

Ya know I've always seen it, it's one of my favorites also, but never really separated the be honest when I see it and say it, I'm reminded of egg races, I don't know why, the way my brain works. I had to catch up on your posts, I was just here and then there were more...slap my face...for not being here sooner!


LuLu Kellogg said...

Dusti...this is so lovely. I never know what the decorative edges meant. I learned something new today!


Dusti said...

Thanks ladies for your comments and interest! Lisa, maybe it makes you think of egg races because it sounds like the eggs are "darting" around real fast?

Dana said...

I, also, am intrigued and very glad to learn of this tidbit of information. I think the whole thing is just beautiful. And today being the first day of the year I heard spring peepers and the first day I found pussy (willows) and the first day I saw a bear up on the mountain, I am really feeling the whole egg part of things in my blood. Spring is oozing its way into every part of me, and I am crazy with the new life it promises. Today my Dad asked me if I was taking speed. I said no.

Dusti said...

Dana, you have Springmania. Are peepers the same thing as tree frogs, because I heard them here a couple of weeks ago and they really stirred up my soul! Frogs, the wind through the pines, crows and crickets all play my heart strings so bad, I love those sounds! I haven't seen a bear in person in way too long. I am so envious of you living in paradise! You are the coolest.