The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over

I have been conspicuously absent from the intraweb recently, but I have a great excuse! I've been spending lots of time at my sister's, helping her get ready for her great big huge fabulous Halloween & Vine juried art show in California coming up soon. Go Bran!
I can't tell you where I was on what day, but I've been over there lots and spent the night a few times. In fact I return "On the morrow!" as I love to tell her.
I provide moral support, entertainment, problem solving, crepe paper collar sewing, "hunting & gathering" and lots and lots and LOTS of sanding!
Can you see the joint compound dust on my face? I was just covered the other day and wanted to preserve the moment in pictures.
Note the sanding; I dislike 150 grit sanding sponges, they are not coarse enough. I had a great idea to try out tomorrow though...I'll cut one of the 60 grit sanding sponges in half, kind of a butterfly cut to make it thinner. It will get into the crevices better that way.
I was trying to get a picture to illustrate how filthy I was, but what can I say? I still look like a smokin' fox. When you've got it, flaunt it!
Sanding, painting, sanding and more sanding on the gorgeous back deck. And thank Gods for this fabulous September weather!
Bran workin' on a Warty Jack.
Love the unbridled enthusiasm!
One of the nights I was there Philip & Misty came over for Jim's scrumptious dinner with their respective daughters. Here they are in the front yard before dinner.
Tomorrow I am getting up, feeding someone's cat, picking up some real paint from the art store and heading back!
Godspeed for me!


LuLu Kellogg said...

Dearest Dusti~

You and Brandi remind me so much of my sister and girls are just so lovely and so full of life. I get to come home to NC for a whole week at the end of this month and I am so excited I will be spending the entire time with my sister! YIPPEE!

Safe travels home!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Looking fanstastic my dear!!


Anonymous said...

Very purty.
Even with the joint compound.
You and Brandi both lucked out with nice features. Altogether, but also taken separately, you know?
Pretty eyes, pretty nose, pretty mouth. And then you lucked out 'cause they all go together. Ever noticed how sometimes people have nice features but they don't fit? Like a flipbook that landed on the wrong pages.

Lisa said...

You crack me up...Dusty! oh you got dusty? Yep you are one smokin' hot fox, yes you are! and you know you look great in the close up shots, perfect skin!
You're a great sis!

happy happy happy, xxx's

Dana said...

hahaha Smokin hot foxy Dusty Dusti! Dear Dusti, I want to tell you that I gathered the usnea lichen for the winter because it is my cold/ flu/ sore throat remedy of choice. As a natural anti-microbial, I drink copious amounts of the tincture at first onset of tickle in the throat. It usually wards off the beast. Friends and family always come back for more each winter, so I like to stock up. Want some?

Anonymous said...

Dusty you are beautiful!!!!
It was so fun hanging with you sis!!!! She's so cool!

And now I can put a face with your name... Brandi talked about you all the time! About how much you helped her....

I just love your blog....

Hugs to you ~Pattee