The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Monday, October 3, 2011

Changes Are Coming

It's October! This Fall has been late, going from nasty end of summer right to cool fall. I really missed the lingering weeks of changing weather. The change just came on kind of suddenly here.
That's the theme, change.
My sister & I just got a studio, a legit one and it has been a long time comin'. The above picture is from the lot where the studio is located; a rambling, varied, open complex that once held the city's waterworks. I'll have lots more from there soon.
This is a shot from Bran's work space at home before doing a California Halloween art show a few weeks ago. Mayhem!
We've both been working out of our houses lo the many years. I am actually impressed with us both, the work we've done in our kitchens, decks, back porches. My mind and heart both race at the thought of what we will do in an actual dedicated, equipped, shared workspace...
That's huge; the space is huge, the idea is huge, the potential energy of it all is huge...big change. Big & good!
Other big changes include Tiffany getting married! This is Vanessa (left), Tiffany, and Molly at the reception. And let me just say, how lucky am I to get to celebrate with three of my absolute oldest & dearest best friends? Everybody is really grown up now, somehow. It astounds me.
Right after uploading the pics from the Sept 10 wedding, I had a bad scare with my camera and went through withdrawals. A new 2 gig SD card and all is right with the world.
I really missed taking pictures of beautifukl little bits of stuff like this. It's silly, but it makes me happy. My house is full of little vignettes of cool "stuff", there is an order to the chaos.
Having the new studio is really going to change the vibe of my home, in a good way...but I'll admit, I don't like the idea of moving all my tools 25 miles away from home! That's another change I look forward to making myself embrace. I can leave my jewelry stuff at home; it's small and relatively portable. But the separation of work space & living space still makes me feel like "But what if I need to make something at home? What if I just need my jigsaw for a sec?" Okay Dusti, in the event that you need a jig saw, you'll use it at the studio like a big girl. Just be cool.
I think there is a Buddhist idea that "pain is simply resistance to change", or something to that effect. That's a good one for me to remember. You can't control the world without, only the world within. I only control how I decide to feel and react, and that's enough.
Tomorrow is I've-lost-count-of the # Tysabri infusion. Going on three years now!
I've been thinking about ms, which I rarely write about. It really is a disease that exploits your weaknesses. What I mean is, it exploits the weaknesses you've always had. I wonder if anyone else has that experience? It exaggerates the effect of stress on your body, makes you hyper-aware of how you handle stress, which is a good thing. It's really drawn me into my body, slowly and steadily, more and more. That's good too.
I feel I am more self possessed than before and it's ms that's brought me here.
A friend recently joked about MS standing for Mostly Sucky. I love it!
But it's not all "sucky."
Just another change to be embraced.


LuLu Kellogg said...

I am basking in Southern Hospitality right now....I am in NC down at the coast celebrating my Happy Cake Day with my family! YIPPEE!!!

I am so happy about your studio and can't wait to come visit it when it's all set up! YAY!

Back to goofing off!!


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

:) Well said.....change is you moving with life instead of against it..... :)
