The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, January 8, 2012

So much ahead in this new year, waiting to be made. I'd almost not know where to begin.
Except I do.
In the shop. Roxi accompanied me today.

It's been a constant stream trickle of tools coming in, filling in the peg board. I love the view!
Roxi is such a home-girl; she is ever-ready to make the return trip. That's why her butt usually gets left at home.
I pass so many things I want to stop and photograph on the way to & from the studio. This church in Concord is just one of many. It was a beautiful overcast day, but the light was flat on my way home. Still I stopped for just one quick shot.
I'm starting on a retablo this week.
Pictures coming soon...

1 comment:

Shes Off Her Rocker said...

How cool would it be to LIVE in that church???I love your blog sister you rock. Fancy abode near studio will be conjured!