The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, October 4, 2012


Yesterday makes two weeks since my hip surgery. I had to have a total hip replacement, right one first, left one will be on an as yet undetermined date in thr near future. I'm MS relapse four years ago meant an insane course of Solumedrol for fifteen days in a row (an ordeal which I barely escaped from with my sanity!), which causeed AVN. AVN is a condition where bone dies due to loss of blood supply, in my case brought on by sterroid use. Ugh, I can never find a short enough explanation to suit me!
I revile that person who "overshares" about their "Special Medical Problem". Deliver me.
And with that disclaimer, allow me to tell you about my own, special, medical problem.
The night before I engged in a silly ritual with a Sharpie, giving my sense of humor a say in the matter. You know how you hear those stories of people getting their wrong arm amputated or some such nightmare? This was for my right hip, "not my left one."
Feast your eyes on this magnificent incision. It will heal into a lovely six and one half inch scar, the perfect addition to my four and one half inch elbow scar and my five and one half inch abdomen scar. "Collect all three!"
The surgery was reported to have gone well, with a little trouble stabilizing me in recover that gratefully, I don't remember much of. As usual, general anaesthesia was the worst part of the whole thing and after having been informed of the "new way" of administering some sort of nerve root block to the spine along with a sleep inducing sedative, and all the merits of this much more palatable method, I was roundly dismissed as a candidate for this miraculous new technique due to having MS. The spines of MS havers are not to be disturbed under any but the most dire of circumstances, lest a flare up in symptoms be triggered.
All in all, I spent thirty five and one half hours in the hospital for a total hip replacement before being discharged and set free. Oh how I loved seing the blue sky as I waited for my carriage to pull around!
Oh the trials and tribulations of having your femur cut off and fitted with a cyborg part! Here I was thinking it had been three weeks and then found out it has only been two! Hot damn, I'm doin' alright!
I plan to be back in action as soon as two more weeks. We shall see...Keep your fingers crossed!


Unknown said...

I feel ypur pain. I now have two jhip replacement plus one knee. I have lost 3 inches in height due to spinal stenosis. Now my BMI has gone up!!!

No fun, but tolerable. Glad to see you are doing okay.

Love you

Dana said...

I can't get over imagining the poor soul who over-shares his medical woes to you. hee hee hee. I was at a bonfire or something the other day and we got to cracking mrsa jokes- thought you might like that...

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