The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012 Review

Halloween 2012 starts, as always in the kitchen. In the McKenna family, things are generally executed spontaneously. One out of 3 costumes were acquired in advance this year, Ellie's Sally costume (thanks to Mimi) and Danny & Cassie's were done on the spot!
Danny wanted to be a Mummy this year, and I've got to hand it to him, the kid has a good sense of the classics. Never has he gone as a cartoon character or anything commonery like that. So his Dad ripped up strips of sheet and I hot glued them onto some sacrificial clothes.
Result, adorable Mummy boy!

Trick or treating in historic downtown Concord was ideally whimsical. Gorgeous old houses decked out in full on Halloween regalia. The perfect slice of Americana. The woman who owns this house is an artist and clearly a Tim Burton fan. She made all these Nightmare Before Christmas props herself, and since Ellie was dressed as Sally from the movie, we had to get picture of her in her natural environment. By the way, I am constantly bowled over by how stunningly, exceptionally gorgeous each of these kids are. Can you even stand it?
Above is a picture of the crew before heading out: Cassie-Witch, Ellie_Sally, Zoe-zombie prom queen? Danny-Mummy!
At the end of the night (or so we thought) we found ourselves in my car, parked right in front of Little Robert's Pub, with Brandi on her way from work to meet us. Danny had to pee "really really bad", so we decided to meet inside for food, drinks, merriment and bathrooms.
E As we were walking in, Ellie said "So a zombie, a mummy and Sally walk into a bar..." Cracked me up! It's not a joke, just an observation on questionable aunting. After she lead Danny to the bathroom, she reported back to me that there were kids in the back sorting through their piles of candy; my aunting was indeed acceptable.
After suffering through some...interesting performances on open mic night we were treated to the superfly musical stylings of Melodies Curse, a rockin' jazz band of young super cool musicians. Ellie being a budding musician herself got to see and hear this cool cat play alto sax. It was entirely bad ass.
Pain from my hip was eclipsed by the overall magic of Halloween with the kids. A good time was had by all! The sad part was when I had to retreat to my car during the trick or treating after walking a long way trying to keep up, I do hate to miss any of the festivities. But as I sat in my car, feeling gypped and dejected about my physical state, my pain was eased by the true magic of Halloween happening all around me. Precious little gremlins milling about, everywhere you look, a balm for the soul.
Another precious day and memory made in the lives of my beloved nieces & nephew. A bargain at any cost.


Dana said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Your Auntdom is that of a wise witchy queen. I wish you were my MY aunt. But thanksfully I can enjoy your aunthood vicariously through the tales of this blog and beyond. Sounds like a blast. Kids here did trick or treating Tuesday night (the 30th) so as not to interfere with the church going on Wednesday night. It was freezing rain and snowing Tuesday so boo-hiss. I rode horses with my neighbor on actual Halloween evening- bareback and bridle-less. It was thrilling indeed galloping up the driveway through the crisp cool mountain air and colors- holding the mane and laughing my heart out!

Dusti said...

I LOVED all my aunts when I was a kid and didn't get enough time with any of them. Being one myself now totally makes up for it! Wait-no-it's probably even better:) Riding bareback on Halloween night?!?!?!?! Jealous. It's been far too long since I have done so. Whiskey is TOO wild, even in his old age. What a perfect Halloween night activity!!!