The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Gobble Gobble Gobble!"

Ah the day of giving thanks...a holiday both treasured & dreaded alike.
This year I'm going with treasured!
I slept in this morning, waking up to a very festive low and thick fog. Everything looked like a Tim Burton set, truly magical. I was so enthralled with just being in it I didn't even think of taking pictures; I was having a Zen moment.
As I was enjoying my bunny egg breakfast I thought to call Mom and say "gobble gobble gobble!" when she picked up. Next thing I knew she called me saying just that! Well, great minds do think alike.
Had yummy turkey at Kanes & Walkers, made a round at the thrift store, went to a movie, then came home. On the way home we saw the most gorgeous low opaque cumulus clouds in the east sitting there like rounded snow covered mountains.
I took Roxi for a walk before sunset in the perfectly cold gray air. We both really needed it after my lunch a her being cooped up 4 hours. It was wonderful.
I enjoyed a rare visit with a childhood best friend last night and it made me extra thankful for all my friends and family. It just thrills me to no end to have the same friends as when I was a kid. As I always say you can't make new best friends. (Why do statements like that sound natural when you speak them but arrogant when written?)
My family was divided up today into different "sects" but it doesn't matter. We are close all the time and see each other regularly, so I've never liked to make a big fuss over Thanksgiving. It is always fun to have visitors or go out of town to see family, but other than that I like it to be a day of freedom from schedules and obligations. I do observe the spirit and tradition of the holiday by being introspective about all I am grateful for and I like the idea of everyone being mindful of the same things at the same time.
At the end of the night I'm just writing by the fire with Roxi & Mixie. I wish I could get a shot without the flash but you get the idea. Adorable! Next on my list is reading some great 1960s sci-fi paperback before bed.
I am so thankful for life and everyone I share it with.
I'm thankful for this fire and I need to throw on one more log so I can stretch this day out just a little...bit...longer...

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