The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mmm...Coke bottle steak!

This is, in truth one of my top favorite meals: Coke bottle steak, mashed potatoes and peas (peas can be substituted by green beans or black eyed peas). For those of you who don't know, it is called "Coke bottle steak" because back in the day you would use a glass Coke bottle to tenderize the meat. I have to admit I've never actually done a purist I suppose I should give it a shot next time.
It is not "heart healthy", "low carb" or "low fat-high fiber". It is, however delicious. The perfect beverage to accompany such a culinary delight is of course Coke (which must be substituted by Coke Zero). You need the acidic effervescence to wash the grease down your throat.
As the Betty Crocker cookbook of the 1950s says "Compliments galore are in store for you when you prepare a nutritious and delicious meal for your family"! This is exactly the kind of supper that would be suggested in that cookbook; beef accompanied by a vegetable or two. Plus, bonus points for frying the meat!

I bought four Blue Willow divided cafe dishes over ten years ago envisioning this very meal served from them; the meat in the largest section, the peas and mashed potatoes nestled snugly in their own segregated compartments. Wow, these dishes are truly from the era of segregation; you don't want your different food groups touching each other!
I haven't made Coke bottle steak in at least 5 years, I figure it can't hurt me twice in one decade. When I was growing up and I got sick, rendering me unable to eat much Mom would always ask me "What do you want me to fix you darlin'? Is there anything you can think of that you could eat?" As soon as my condition improved my answer was always the same, "Coke bottle steak with mashed potatoes!" Just like when Dad asked me what I wanted for breakfast the answer was always the same, "Bunny Eggs and grits & toast!" That's another meal that is very well suited to these dishes; grits in one compartment, toast next to grits, bunny eggs in the largest compartment. Perfection!
I left the house after dinner and when I came back I remembered why I don't cook this more than once every five years; my house smells like a damn Soul Food diner! It smells good while it's cooking but after you're done eating it transforms into a greasy, fatty, stinky stench...
But, it was worth it!


Anonymous said...

Oooh....I'm a huge fan of divided dishes! I wish I could find those foil dishes they serve TV dinners in. Wouldn't those be perfect to top with foil for a winter picnic?

What are Bunny Eggs? Can't live without grits, by the way.

And those infusions look painful! Your poor arm! Do people ever give you the Junky Stare? Like they look at your arm, then the eyebrows go up, and they're all, "Oh....she's one of THOSE!"

Dusti said...

You mean like the heavy aluminum pressed TV tray things?...I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for those.
Bunny eggs are kind of like an omelet but better, they're a specialty of both my parents and when Bran was little she named them Bunny Eggs because they're soft & fluffy-like a bunny! So I grew up thinking they were a normal thing: "bunny eggs" like "hamburgers" or something everybody knew about.
I haven't gotten the junkie stare, probably because the nurses are great at vein poking and I never bruise. Still, the inside of my forearm really grodies me out. My bff Tiffany has a real aversion to heroin junkies and she says when she sees tracks on somebody's arms it makes the bottoms of her feet hurt. Isn't that weird?