The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Monday, January 11, 2010


Today was my 14th Tysabri infusion. I make my once monthly infusion days self indulgent and stress free and I enjoy them. Plus I take the best naps in there.

My best vein has finally scarred up so I don't use it anymore; too bad, it's the most comfortable site to stick. Now we're using the one on the inside of my right forearm; the "junkie vein" as I think of it! It kind of grosses me out, plus for some reason it hurts more than the crook of my elbow did. I know that sounds bad, but this spot always conjures up images of heroin junkies with their forearms all purple and infected. Grody.

Anyhow, it went smoothly except the part where I had to wake up from my short nap. I told myself I was going to go home and get in bed, but I didn't. I don't trust myself to nap at home, I'll end up sleeping 4 hours.
As a person who has an "intolerance" to all other MS disease modifying drugs, I am very satisfied with Tysabri. I haven't had any bad reactions to it, and more importantly I haven't had any relapses since I've been on it. I hear lots of people complaining about having to inject themselves every day, every other day, or once a week with one of the 6 MS drugs. I didn't have a problem with the method of administering the drug, just the violent illness that came after.
Aren't we all lucky that we have so many options to treat MS now!? It used to be your only choice was Prednisone. Don't even get me started on how awful that is.
Ten years from now there's no telling how much medicine will have advanced, for MS and other diseases that are currently incurable. I am prone to fantasize about living in another time in history, but who am I kidding? This is a good time to be alive!
I agree with the 1950s saying, "Living better through Chemistry"!

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