The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Escutcheon and key necklaces

I have slacked off on my writing the last few days. But bare with me...
This is an escutcheon plate from a chest of drawers that fell off years ago, and I kept it in my jewelry box all this time. I always thought it would look better as jewelry than it did as hardware and tonight the forces that be finally moved me to whip it out.
I've had the key longer than I can remember, since I was a kid. As I played around with different configurations with this necklace I remembered the key; a perfect match!
I posted a picture on Facebook and my sister, who is officially the birthday girl in two and a half more hours said she had to have one. And who am I to deny her? As luck would have it I had another chain and one more key. The key goes to my favorite armoir, but I never use the key on it.
The birthday will get to chose! Brandi McKenna of "She Off Her Rocker is my big sister and bff and the recipient of one of a matching set of found object jewelry.

I oxidized the silver plate chain on the left to harmonize with the authentic patina of the brass escutcheon plate and key.
On the right, so far I've left the chain silvery since its key is more steel colored.
I feel super fancy wearing this. I love making my own everything and rocking my own odd style. Are Bran & I too old to have "BFF" necklaces? No, it's not as if they are half hearts or anything...
I can't wait to spend her b-day with her tomorrow ALL day! And I can't wait to give her this, just one of many small birthday gifts I have in store. I can't post pics of the other handmade gift because it would ruin the surprise, so you'll have to stay tuned to see what other fabulous items await my sister.
It is going to look so fabulous on her! I will have pictures of her modeling it tomorrow.
I just love other people's birthdays! Isn't giving gifts so much fun?


Dana said...

Dusti- those are AWESOME! And I don't think it's gay at all to wear bff necklaces. When Jenna first got really sick I bought us broken heart necklaces in the hospital gift shop that said Big Sis and Lil Sis on them. They were cheesy as shit but I took it really seriously. I would not let anyone mess with that necklace the whole time she was in a coma. This lady that gave me a massage tried to take it off and I got all primally protective of it- like don't mess with that. Anyways, I heart you and Brandi's necklaces and I am kind of jealous because they are so righteously gorgeous (as opposed to corny and tacky like me and Jenna's sis necklaces). Good work and happy birthday B!

Dusti said...

Aw Dana, that is the sweetest half heart story; I didn't know they made them for sisters! When we were little, Brandi & her bff Karla got the half heart "best friends" necklaces, I remember when they snapped them in two. I was so jealous! Do y'all still wear them?