The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brandi's Pagan Birthday Party!

Saturday we celebrated my sister's birthday like the fun loving blaspheming pagans we are.
Friday night, after cleaning and organizing my house all day I had the coolest idea...I decided to make her a cake in the lamb cake pan I found earlier and give it birthday candle horns! I did a test run that night with a home made chocolate cake and it did not turn out right at all, a first for me. But no matter: Saturday morning I made a red velvet cake in the lamb and it came out perfectly, even the little ears! I covered it in home made cream cheese frosting and decorated it with a little bit of black gel icing. The eyes are Valentine's day candy corns stuck into his head. I experimented with heating up candles just enough to curl them into horn shapes without melting them. After two sets of trial horns I had the technique down to make these cool flaming horns out of black & white candles.
It was hidden away in the fridge and Bran didn't see it until we lit it and brought it to her singing "Happy Birthday". It was too fun! We had a great guest list with friends dating back to the 80s.
You can't have a party without Sally Bingham. She wrangled me and helped me with the cake unveiling amidst all the chaos. Thank you Sally!

Here is Brandi about to sacrifice the lamb, with my cleaver no less! It was a riot, a sacrifice to the birthday Gods to ensure a fruitful and fabulous year ahead for Miss Brandi. Plus it was really really yummy.

I didn't get pictures of everyone because I was too busy mixing & mingling. That's the thing about parties; you just don't get to spend enough time with anybody. But a good time was had by all!
Dee & her oldest daughter Kerrie Clayton came by. Aren't they just the cutest two little things you ever did see? I gave Kerrie a clock that didn't sell on eBay; that's the upside to when something doesn't sell, you get to give it to a friend.

Misty & Phil were there too. Philip is an old friend and Misty is a relatively new one, and they make a great couple.
I love being a hostess and getting all my friends together. A new friend of mine from my MS group came too, and it is really interesting for me to talk to someone else who has it who knows what it's like.
Vanessa, Tiffany & Janine were there too and I didn't get to talk to them hardly at all. I'll just have to have another get together real soon.
As I sit here fresh from the shower, towel still on my head, Roxi is snoring by my side and I am winding myself down for bed. Tomorrow I get to see the results of my last MRI and I just know it will show an improvement.
Always expect good things my friends.

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