The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Monday, August 23, 2010

My Nature Fix Is In!

It has been a long, long time that I've been cooped up indoors, held captive by the summer heat.
My pagan heart has been itching for its nature fix and today I finally got it! I don't know what the temperature actually was, but it felt like about 75 degrees and low humidity.
I spent the entire day outside. I can breathe again.

Just when I'm feeling sad to see summer go I'm reminded of how luscious & all consuming the changing seasons can be. It's music to my soul. I love feeling the sun on my skin, working in the dirt and plants, sweating, getting blisters from so much vine pulling. Ah, sweet sweet redemption.

And I mean redemption. The last month has been lots of nasty heat and bad ozone coupled with even more disconcerting stuff that I won't even go into. This blog is not a platform for all the bad stuff.
So back to the good part, I think tomorrow will be more of the same! My car is currently in the shop, "forcing" me to stay home and work in the yard. Guilt free! It is a win-win situation.
So I will try to wind down and get rested up for a long nature appreciation day tomorrow.
I'm more excited than a kid on Christmas eve!


Dana said...

Hey Dusti! Get your nature on! I love thinking of you digging in the dirt and checking out garden writer spiders with the excitment of a kid on Christmas (or a pagan on Halloween). Will you tell me about that devily looking Pan hybrid dude whose picture you displayed? He looks potent and inquiring mind wants to know...

Dusti said...

Dana, yes the excitement of a pagan oh Halloween is more accurate!
This drawing of an imaginary horned God known as "Baphomet" was made up centuries ago by Christians to pick on the pagans. They try to act like all pagans are "Devil worshipers" and images of goat headed figures representing Satan himself became common. Ah, the folly...

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

LOL! Really? Did you have to post a picture of a spider? :D

Thanks for catching us up with what is happening in your world. Always enjoy stopping by...spiders and all! :)
