The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm still here y'all!

Bear with me. I have been busier than usual over the last few weeks and I have neglected my writing. Writing is a mood lifter to me so I need a fix!
This will be short.
I'm working on pieces for a National Halloween Convention next week in PA. I wasn't going to go, but then decided to go for it and hence, I've been absent.
Here's one piece I'm taking (should have before pics, but I don't think I do). It's a gorgeous Depression Era vanity tripple mirror. I just love that stuff. I had to force myself not to make a career out of it. I painted is satin black, did some minor restoration, enhanced the carving at the top and viola! Halloween over-mantle.
I have a few pieces in my inventory already, but I am making new things to take to the show. I've done some bat silhouettes, cut to integrate the engraving with the shape of the piece.
I have about two dozen really fantastic cuffs ready to go. I'll be interested to se how they do there. I'm working on a few stunners to add to my smaller pieces.
Alas, time is running out.
I leave with my best companion, Brandi, Wednesday. We have much yet to do. It will be so fun and will certainly fuel my fire, really looking forward to that part.
I'll be back as soon as I can!

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