The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Goodbye July!

July 2011 has been a good one and I wanted to enjoy the last day of it proper.
I went to The Farm with Roxi in tow and soaked up the visual delights all around me. I can smell the barn now, looking at this fine patch of spider webs in the corner.
This is a little gateway in the fence for two legged critters; we had a filly when I was 11 and she could squeeze her tiny self through here! Dad had to put up a little chain across to keep Daisy on the right side of the fence and I think of her whenever I walk through.

I can't get enough of the dusty cobwebs...
Door to the old tackroom. There was a kitty who gave birth to many a kitten behind this door in a box of nails.
I got to enjoy a summer storm while I was there and enjoyed every second of that magical transformation of the air and the light; colors come alive and the world sings when it's like this.
I found a "D"
"D" is for "Dusti"
This goobress right here? Roxi is in a state of pure Joy, it's infectious.
Chains, I love chains. I can remember several manly tasks I "helped" Dad do with these. I am forever on the lookout for some like these...they're on my wishlist.
It was a beautiful day, the 31st of July 2011.
August is a transitional month, and I will shortly find myself in a terrible state of excitement & anticipation for Fall.
But I'm not going to rush it...
..........not going to rush it..........
...........not going to rush it.........


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Mabon is the doorway to Samhain....I love it. We have turned a is only a matter of time before the pumpkins arrive!!!



LuLu Kellogg said...

I am so ready for fall that I could just burst! Hurry hurry hurry!
