The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How can I get out of this bed? Actually I got up early, this picture is from Roxi crawling back to bed after breakfast! What a slacker; she takes after me I guess...

I went back to Bran's and spent, then we came back to Charlotte to get my truck and cleaned out some of her work area. We had to make room for all our successful activities to take place this year! We loaded up the back of the truck with Mom's dining room table and mimicked the theme song to Sanford & Sons back to her house. I always do that when my Dodge is packed to the gills with stuff, which happens frequently. I really should have gotten a picture of it during all my comings and goings between here and Charleston. Alas that was before I had a digital camera and I used my film camera for more "significant" photo opportunities like the cemeteries and Angel Oak.
But I digress! After a long day we made it back to Charlotte before the rain, which we haven't gotten so far. Here Roxi is being a cute passenger stuffing her nose in a bag of art supplies. I love driving my truck with my dog by my side, it's one of the best little pleasures in life.
Here are some little tombstones after texture and gesso waiting to be painted. I am really looking forward to that part! I'll get to it tomorrow for sure.
But I got sidetracked making a 10th birthday present for Zoe. I wanted to cobble together a super cool Halloween necklace for her. I have a few pieces made waiting to be put together like some glass circles with pictures of skulls or black cats decoupaged on. Wait, this can be like a Richard Scary book...can you find one near the scissors and the other near the needle nose pliers?
It's really getting past my bedtime but I let my creative mind wander and now it will take some doing to get my mind ready for sleep.
Tomorrow is a new day! I can stay home and get back to my projects after spending yesterday on my house and today on Bran's. Got to get things in order so I will be free to create all day!
Life is really very good.


LuLu Kellogg said...

Hi Dusti~
Thank you so much for coming by my Blog and becoming a Follower. I really appreciate it. I am now following you also!

I loved the picture of your fur baby in the bed...sooooo sweet!

LuLu Kellogg

Dusti said...

Wow, I'm honored! I love connecting with other artists who are doing what they love. I am so inspired by your work!