The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, January 21, 2010

stuck inside

Today is rainy and cold, quite a switch since yesterday. I resolved to stay in and get some projects done. I got so jacked up on art last night, and this morning I woke up feeling the same way!
I went out to the junk stores for some art supplies and got some really good stuff. And this afternoon I've been looking up things online, checking out people's etsy shops and rushing back and forth between ideas. Slow down! Mayhaps I got a vitamin B overdose yesterday? Bran, do ya think?
I sat down for a snack and it was so pretty I had to get a picture first. I think stuff tastes better when it's a visual delight in addition to being yum.
And how much do I love anything with pom pom trim? A whole bunch, that's how much! The silver plate tray is going to be cut up to make jewelry components. I did that when I was taking jewelry making (the real kind, with tools and solder!) and it's a wonderful way to use inexpensive materials. You can't solder silver plate because it burns the silver right off the copper. Too bad...I could make some deadly cool things that way. But I can cut out parts, file the edges and bend and shape pieces into all sorts of fabulous things.

Okay, don't laugh...
...isn't this creepy and delish?
This is a Scarlet O'Hara style boudoir doll from the 10960s I believe. My Granny had some I just barely remember. I think maybe some were the kind with the croched dress. I thought it was cool that she was a grown up who had dolls. She also made dolls for me, and other great grandchildren. They were so enchanting. I still have the ones she made for me and my sister. She even sewed satin panties on them and slips, fancy!
So, this weird little girl will eventually be sold at my Etsy shop. I want to alter her, make her a shepherd's crook and a creepy black sheep or something. She already has a semi trashy "goth" look. Wish I could get a better shot but check out the major blue eyeshadow! That combined with the black lace over red satin get-up, she's pretty of racy. And scary.

I'm tempted to give her horns, and sculpt Pan in her size so she has a boyfriend... so many ideas! But I have to return to my tombstones which have their first coat of gray.
More space, more space, my Queendom for more space!

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