The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Crawlin' Kingsnake

This weekend was chock full o' various delights. I love weekends because I get to see my family and get together for all manner of awesome conjuring, kid wrangling, dog calling, critter catching, pond tubing good times.
I was in the car with Mom yesterday and just before my house two neighbors were watching a gorgeous Kingsnake basking on the asphalt. I hopped out, slipped off my flip flops and promptly caught him. Score!

I was so thrilled by his absolute perfection in design, proportion, temperament and size. Right away I attempted to photograph him with me holding him in the mirror. It's hard, but I need to master this kind of skill.
To my eyes there are few things more alluring and compelling than a perfect snake, and this was was a fine specimen indeed. I didn't get the "fear of snakes" instinct, or I was simply habituated to them at a young age. The first family pet snake I remember was "Elvis", the beautiful Kingsnake Dad caught on the patio when I was five. He had striking white bands along his slender body. Their patterns or saddles vary greatly, and this one has faint white bands with a Georgia red clay tinted background. He molted the same day, or a day before because his scales were perfectly iridescent and flawless.

I took him to the Farm today to show the kids and turn him loose. He will make a fine livin' for himself out there, certainly better than in town.
Dad takes to snakes like a duck to water; he is in his natural element with a snake around his arm. He fostered in us a deep love and reverence for nature and all critters (with a specialty in snakes).
So now we pass along the family tradition to the youngest generation. These kids know what's good! Can you see him around Ellie's neck?
"These toddlers is gettin' raised up right!"
When I got there Dad was giving the girls an archery lesson! Let me just say, shooting a bow and arrow is divine; it is a physical means to marvel at the collective unconscious of man throughout history, or God. Call it whatever you want. It is pleasurable in a way that eclipses shooting guns entirely. Dad explained to Ellie & Cassie that humans have been using bow & arrow to hunt for tens of thousands of years, and when you are shooting, the spirits of your ancestors are with you, loving you and guiding you.
So that is my church.

They let me have a turn, and with a few reminders about which feather should be facing you when you knock the arrow and such I fell easily into form like no time had passed. It has been over twenty years since I've shot a recurve bow. I am telling you it is divine and I intend to get me some more of that soon!
Bran looks like a warrior and just as comfortable with a bow in hand as anybody could be. She has awesome archery skills too. The Pearson's carry an archery DNA trait.
I am so buzzed from all these activities today! I want more! I left the charger for my camera, which was dead so I couldn't take any pictures. I thought I was gonna jump out of my skin I wanted to photograph so bad, but Bran had her phone camera, and Dad had his so these were copied from Bran's facebook post.
Next time, I'll be prepared for picture taking!
Until then,

1 comment:

Dana said...

1. Your dad is the cutest ever!
2. You are very bad ass with that bow.
3. Brandi is also very bad ass with that bow.
4. I wish I was there today.