The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rambling on...

One of the things I enjoy the most is texture and color. Look at all the visual delights this tree root had to offer! Richly textured in nature's palette with soft moss growing next to brittle!
I like to bring plants into my dark house to struggle to survive in the filtered light. I don't know what this one is called but it seems to find my bathroom inhabitable. I love bringing these colors and textures inside to live with me. It makes the whole house feel different.
I found a delightfully tacky plastic cherub, spray painted in a 70s gold with matching glitter. I wanted to paint it bronze and give it a mossy patina.

I was telling my Mom about my little project; transforming a gaudy cherub into a little Devil by sculpting horns and changing his color. She cracked me up when she said (for those of you who know her, imagine this in her voice!) "I wish you would make sweet little God things" with a look of concern on her face!
She loved it when I was finished though. What's not to love? Look at this cute chubby little Pagan lute player and tell my it's not adorable...

Right now he lives hanging from the chandelier in my kitchen. I love making my house a beautiful place with visual delights everywhere you look. Of course I end up having too much stuff, but I do work consistently to cull the stock.
My bedroom is probably the barest place in the house. I like a more serene, Spartan environment to sleep in. I can't sleep with crap everywhere! Then again, I don't think the term "Spartan" can really be used to describe any room in my house.
Georgia O'Keefe painting compliments of my brilliant sister Brandi McKenna of She's Off Her Rocker:)

I'd really like to sleep right here, by the pond. This is the area I always thought of as "The Swamp". This time of year it's just bursting with all manner of greenery and texture. Pictures do not do it justice! Can't you just hear the tree frogs?

For no particular reason here is a shot of Roxi smelling some old kitty bones, just by the swamp. She takes a keen interest in whatever I am photographing, looking at, pretty much anything I am pointed towards.
When I become aggravated I remind myself that she won't be around forever. Enjoy her while she's here! Life is short.
Remember to stop and smell the bones...


LuLu Kellogg said...

Hi Sweet Girl~

I am catching up on Blog visits today. My pneumonia is getting much better and I hope to be back to creating this weekend.

I had to laugh at the wee cherub because I just painted my white one black! My darling husband said "aren't those things supposed to look sweet?"....I told him that I didn't want this one to look sweet.....LOL He said, "you are SO weird but I love you that way"....*snort*


Laura Irrgang said...

Love the cherub! I actually have a whole bag of creepy fat baby dolls I'm waiting to spray paint red and add black horns. I don't know, though----yours kind of takes the cake.

Speaking of cake, we should find some TEENY TINY little dolls to deface and use as cupcake toppers, huH?

It's VERY funny to think of your mom saying that. Remind me to tell you about my horrified Baptist Granny's opinions of my art. She's quit looking.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Love that cherub!!! Love it!

And yes....I think I can hear the frogs :)


Dusti said...

LuLu, far out! Great minds think alike:) I'm glad to hear you're doing better, that pneumonia is scary stuff. The sooner you get back to crafting the better you'll feel!
Laura, I can't wait to see your Devil babies! I think everything is better with horns. I was going to change his angel wings to bat wings but I was too impatient...perhaps next time. I am itching to hear about the Baptist granny's critique of your art!
Hearts to all~D