The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Random things about me.

I did this on Facebook and it was fun. Whenever one of my friends writes one of these I always enjoy reading it. It was supposed to be "30 random things about you" but I keep adding stuff.
The idea of getting to know someone through an assortment of little random facts about their life is delightful to me!
Here goes.
1. When I'm putting up clean laundry, I always guess the exact right number of coat hangers for all the shirts, without counting first!
2. I have broken my arms 5 different times.
3. My favorite color is green (if forced to choose just one).
4. My left foot and boob are both bigger than the righties.
5. I have no tattoos.
6. My favorite multiplication is 6x7=42.
7. The first thing I remember wanting to be when I grew up was a cowgirl.
8. My first car was a '72 beetle...yellow.
9. I never turn on the TV before 4 PM.
10. The longest I ever went without sleep was 36 hours in a row. It doesn't sound like much but I hated it.
11. The first time I broke an arm I went to school and had everyone sign MY name on my cast. I was in kindergarten.
12. I worked on a boyscout ranch in New Mexico for three summers after high school.
13. I wear tank tops all summer even though my arms are too fat and I don't care.
14. I'm a funky skull and I'm a Scorpio.
15. I've never had the dream where you're in public naked (although I will now).
16. I eat an egg every day and never get tired of it.
17. I have given mouth to mouth resuscitation to a squirrel before, and saved it.
18. My parents were the first white people to be married in McGrath Alaska 40 years ago. Their guests were all drunk Eskimos and they got a wolf skin for their wedding present. I still think this is the coolest wedding I've ever heard of.
19. I am good at conjuring things up.
20. Peas and cornbread is the best food ever. Period.
21. I hate the following words: slacks, pocket book, blouse, purchase.
22. I had my first out of body experience at age 4.
23. I can't comprehend my own mortality.
24. I was present at the births of both my nieces. It was the coolest thing ever.
25. I am still best friends with my first best friend.
26. I have never been arrested. Yet.
27. My worst fear is of being lazy.
28. I don't do bumper stickers.
29. I'm a furniture junkie.
30. My teeth rock.
31. My favorite pet was my 'possum Pumpkin who slept in bed with me and got weekly baths with Sweet Pea lotion rubbed into her tail after. When she was a wee baby I kept her in my bra and fed her my sister's breast milk, which she pumped for me. I miss Pumpkin my sweet little lumpkin!
32. When I was little, my big sister and her friend Heather who lived down the street were making prank calls and swore me to secrecy not to tell Mom when she got home. When Mom's Cadillac pulled in the driveway and ran out and announced to her "Mom, Bran & Heather have been calling Frank!"
33. I dreamed of Pumpkin every night for a year after she was gone.
34. When I was in 6th grade I got to watch my horse give birth to her filly, who I promptly named Daisy. It was one of the coolest things I will ever get to see (second only to watching my nieces' birth).
35. I'm still waiting to volunteer for Hospice, which I really look forward to.
36. I can count all the boys I've ever kissed on both hands, with fingers left over.
37. With the exception of Miss PackMan at Godfather's Pizza, I do not play video games, ever.
38. I got in a fight with a girl in the BoJangles at CPCC over her breach of line etiquette. At the top of my lungs I screamed at her "B***h, you are f***ing with the WRONG white girl today!" She apologized to me the next day in the elevator.
39. I have been a size 10 shoe since I was 12.
40. I used to hate my nose but now I like it.
41. I never liked going to the mall when I was a teenager. I still don't.
42. I think Mississippi is a very cool place.
43. I love talking in other accents, and will do it all day long if nobody stops me.
44. I floss my teeth every single day.
45. The first phone number I learned besides mine was Brandon Broadway's, 542-3337. I still remember the song the keys make when you dial it.
46. I don't like garbage disposals or dishwashers.
47. Ten years after graduating high school, I took the SAT and got a 1030.
48. My first job was at a pet store.
49. I have never felt sexually discriminated against.
50. I have never seen the movie Titanic. That's what happens when something gets too much hype, I refuse to see it.
51. My extended family are all from Mississippi and when I was little I helped clean ice chests full of shrimp caught on my Pop's boat, popping off their heads and pulling out that gross vein. I still will not eat shrimp.
52. Of all the things I love doing, writing is probably number one.
53. My official favorite day of the week is Tuesday.
54. I love the smells of both molten lead and gunpowder.
55. The first time I saw a ghost I was 31 years old.
56. I have a terrible weakness for funny people.
57. The material item of which I am most proud is my Dad's ShopSmith which he gave me on my 21st birthday.
58. When I was a teenager, my Dad & I ran out of gas in his Triumph (motorcycle, not car) not once but three times.
59. I crack myself up in my sleep and have woken my self up to the sound of my own laughter.
60. I love licorice and tequila, though not together.
61. I like to eat cereal late at night.
62. In third grade I brought a King Snake and shotgun shells to school for show and tell. I got to take my snake around to every class in school, I think my teacher Mrs. Rowe didn't want it in her classroom.

Now, who wants to make their own list? I'd love to read them!


LuLu Kellogg said...

I loved learning all these things about you.

Have I told you how awesome you are?


Anonymous said...

Oh, Dusti......

This is about 47??? how many was it??? more reasons I adore you.