The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Saturday, February 26, 2011

And now, a little R&R.

I finally am having a couple of days of breathing space, getting caught up on rest & chores and generally enjoying not feeling so under the gun.
Trip to the Awesome Junk Compound!
Here's the office where they tally up what all your wares cost and you pay cold hard cash on the barrel head, or the table you just bought.
Although I'm partial to overcast, moody, cozy soulful weather, I did enjoy this sunny February day in all its blue-skied splendor.
This junk compound is way up a country highway from Charlotte, it is gorgeous up there. Would make fantastic horse country.
I can't express through this humble blog the enormity of this place. Once again, another sensory overload with color, texture, shape, composition and light that delights every which way.
As a woodworker I am completely enamored of wood carvings, wanting to take each one home and just clean it up a little, rub in some oil or a coat of wax to really bring out the rays in the Spanish beech or white oak, the mahogany's chatoyancy...just enough to let it sing.
There were so many pieces I wanted to bring to next month's Atlanta Market, but I am careful about what to invest in; many of these pieces I would be able to do no less than professional quality restoration on, thus setting my self up for a financial loss....but I'm certainly still learning the ropes of being a dealer rather than a restorer.
Next time I have an idea involving spool beds I'll know just where to go!
This is a gorgeous white oak headboard & foot board with what appears to be a monkey face carved on top! It had some serious lamination and veneer problems on the bottom panel that in truth I'd love to address.... the mantra that my woodworking mentor Mr. Alan Williams oft repeated to me "Dusti, this is not a museum quality piece" comes to mind and I focus on things that don't need as much attention. P.S. My other favorite Al quote is "Dusti, don't make a career out of this piece!"
Cool stuff errywhere...
"They're creepy and they're cooky, mysterious & spooky, they're all together ooky..."
But they sure had good taste in furniture & objets d'art! Doesn't this look like an Addams Family bed?
I did pick out two things, one for revamping & selling and one for my own selfish greed (rubs hands together).
More pictures to follow!


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Wow!!! Too much cool stuff!!!


its cat! said...

Our lil junk heaven secret it is!!! :) Love the photos!! OKay,... so really, go ahead and get the creepy monkey bed! LOL! Wonder what he'd take for it!?