The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Monday, March 7, 2011

I am grateful for:

My insatiable need to cobble, fiddle with, modify, improve, change nearly every object I come in contact with.
My close friends; plentiful, gracious, supportive and brilliant.
My family who are a constant source of joy, love, hilarity and comfort. They are my anchor, without them I'd be adrift.

The joy I get from pursuing my many passions.
The weather, all of it.
The smell of clean bleached sheets as I crawl in to bed for a long night of sleep; the calm before the Atlanta Storm.
The dreams I will have tonight, the places I will go, the fantasies of living my life to the fullest as I do in my dream world.
I keep journals for things I'm grateful for. Thanks for reading this random assortment.


Dana said...

Hey Dusti, I remember when you used to make love lists on pieces of notebook paper at school. They rocked! One time you passed me a note at school and it had a love list and a hate list on it. Tight jeans were on both! I thought that was awesome. I love that you are still making love lists of sorts.

Dusti said...

Wow Starla, I forgot about that! I can only imagine what all else I put on those lists...I do still love making lists, the lazy kind, not so much the to-do kind. It always puts a little wind in my sails to remind myself of what I'm grateful for, plus it's fun too:)