The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, January 24, 2010

What a day, and what an enchanting evening.
I'm struck by the thought of how magical this weather is. All day, it looked wintery outside; the sky had its steel gray January appearance. As cold as it looked, it was mild and pleasurable.

As I took Roxi outside just before dark, I was hypnotized by the color of things. The inky black silhouettes against the purple and blue skies, low, all around everything.

The warm air kisses you tonight on a sultry breeze. It whispers for you to stay outside, go into the woods, stand barefoot in a cold creek, listen to the music the trees make.

There are so many places I want to go right now. I need a graveyard trip soon. Maybe the one with the stone wall around it on Rocky River, or Sugaw Creek Baptist on Tryon...? Those are closer than Charleston, which I must visit soon. Also the farm, oh how I'd love to sleep in the woods tonight. My spot in the woods to sleep is much closer to a house now, and closer to the edge of the woods. But it's still there!
I'd love to be able to live in the woods during a (won't say it!) low energy time; that's the cure for what ails you.
Fortunately nothing ails me. I have peace and harmony and I'm full of creativity,
among other things...


Dana said...

What else are you full of? Malarky? Lupies's pinto beans? Shits and giggles?

Hey, I just bought some land way out in the mountains. I am commencing the work that will ultimately lead to building a little housey-poo for moi. I will also have my Airstream camper up there, and of course there are acres of earth upon which a head could be laid. When you get ready for some serious mountain woods time, holler.
Thanks hailing me and my blog up! I had forgotten about that note on the phone pole. There have been many many more found weirdo notes in my life since then. I must fill you in on some of them.
I am so happy to find your blog and read about what you are doing and thinking. It seems you are well and I love your mini tombstones.

Dusti said...

Yes, I am blowing up the comments on your blog, it is too fabulous for words!!! And yeah, I'm full of all you suggested and much more!
You are livin' the dream up in them there hills. Sounds perfect! Might you get yourself a horse to keep the grass short? Chickens? Other critters? Critters are a must have. I want to hear all about all those notes...and I WILL come see you sometime soonish, whenever you will have me:)

Dana said...

ps. Boy oh boy! Some of your comments on my junk are crackin my arse up! I am getting excited to read more of yours and write more of my own. I'm in Asheville today grocery shopping and such so maybe tonight. One thing that I am doing today is going to kinkos and color copying a crazy collage I made of pictures of this big work day I had at the land the other day. I'm gonna give it to all the participants along with a sweet treat (like maybe some heart shaped Martha Stewart cookies-wouldn't that be quaint...) As far as critters up at my place, my first thing is to get my plot hound Hopey back- she's been living with my dear friend Sally for 2 years since I have not been able to provide her a stable home during that time. I come see her all the time and miss the hell out of having her in my life daily. Next, I might acquire the company of another canine. Possibly chickens, but they don't really thrill me like they do some people. My fantasy is to get me a hard working husband who can help me bring home the bacon, and then I can have more time for possibly becoming a falconress. I went out rabbit hunting with a falconer in east Tennessee a coupla years ago and it was basically cooler than dookie balls. I love me some raptors. Or maybe I would like to sometime become all certified and legit and do rehab for wild birds. I have dabbled in some illigitimate raptor rehab a few times, and it would be nice to know more and have a better set up. We'll see. Probably no horses though because I will not really have much in the way of pasture- just gardens and then woods. My neighbors have tons of grazing beasts and I farm sit when they go out of town a week a year, so I pretty much get my fill of feeding, milking cows, giving penicillin injections, chasing pigs and what have you...
I am so glad to be back in touch. You are the only person who still lives in Charlotte that I miss and care about. I have regretted feeling out of touch and it warms my heart to have a way to connect again.

Dusti said...

Ooh-ooh..."dookie balls? I love it! Oh how I've missed your sharp wit! I got certified and did a few years here as a wildlife rehabber, I was all legit and everything. I didn't do birds though, they are a whole different skill set. I am a 'possum person. I'll have to tell you all about Pumpkin, my pet 'possum who slept in bed with me. Oh how I miss her.
Now, on to your blog to carry on like a box girl #3.
P.S. chose aforementioned husband WISELY.

Dusti said...

P.S. Dana, I'm such a dookie ball I even forgot to mention how much I missed you and have hearts popping out of my eyes to be back in touch with you too!