The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

makeup is expen$ive!

Mom was kind enough to take me to the Lancome place tonight to have my makeup done and it was fun. Mom looked gorgeous! The first woman was a bit patronizing when she asked me about what my skin care routine was, what makeup did I wear and what the Hell was I even there for? Well, she didn't say "Hell". She was off put by the fact that I do not wear nor do I plan to ever wear foundation or lipstick. I look like a clown in lipstick. I have full lips and I think they are plenty noticeable enough on their own. I made it through my tenage years and all of the 80s and 90s without picking up the habit. Plus all lipstick smells like whale blubber and it gets crusty within an hour. Yuck.
Still we stayed strong and did not get suckered into spending $120 on face wash & moisturizer. They have a damn vibrating mascara wand that they were pushing pretty hard. It left clumps in my eye lashes and I do a better job with the old fashioned "manual" mascara.
Note the clumps!

Still, not too shabby....

It was another beautiful day, although still a little too hot & humid but I'll quit complaining.

I made some headway on my Halloween hot air balloon, it's coming together nicely! Especially the basket. I have 3 black skeletons in various positions around a battery operated tea light that has hand painted vellum flames around it so it looks like a little fire! And the basket is a half a pumpkin! How cool is that? I'm tempted to put in a sneak preview but I'll show some restraint and wait until it's finished.

Well, I guess I better get to some dreaded work related email composing:( But tomorrow I can spend the day working on my balloon and doing some touch ups at Trade Winds. It's a good life.

1 comment:

Shes Off Her Rocker said...

Beautiful eyes!! How fun! I hope to see you soon!!!!