The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Monday, September 21, 2009

Kitchen Window

The kitchen window is probably the most "looked out" window in the house. Isn't it always? This is one of the two over my sink. I have shoved it full of things I love to look at.
My friend Dee made me the Day of the Dead skeletons in boxes. I'll have to add a better picture of them because they are just so cute. She made them for me as a Christmas gift a few years ago because she had a few on her tree before and I always told her how much I love them. You know how a person's art always "looks like them"? You can recognise a person's hand in anything if you're familiar with any of their work. I could make the same thing (and I plan to!) but mine would look like me and hers like her no matter what.

I have quite the collection of rosaries strung up for a non-Catholic. I just love them; they are so pretty and feel good in your hands. The old ones that people have actually used to pray are especially cool because so much human emotion and faith have passed through them. My favorite one is the third from the left; it was used enough that it broke at one point and the previous owner patched it up with thread. I removed the thread and repaired it with jewelry wire. Fixing something up is one of life's best simple pleasures for me.
My sister reminded me of the time she went to Catholic Church with a neighbor she was friends with and broght home a rosarie. I think she was around the age of ten. Our family went to Babtist church. I'm sure Brandi figured "hey, Jesus is Jesus" and excitedly showed it to Dad...she remembers him saying"No! We're not Catholic!" or something to that effect; she got the idea that that was a different kind of Christian than we were supposed to be. Well what the Hell you know? What is a kid supposed to think? It's not like she brought home a pentagram.
Like I said, I'm not Catholic but I appreciate them as a beautiful reminder of spirituality. Plus they're a cool substitute for a curtain.
I "eschew" curtains, but I love using the word eschew! I did not inherit the curtain gene from my Mom.
Today I am feeling satiated, for no particular reason at all. What if all I needed was to write about my kitchen window? Well I'll be damned!


Shes Off Her Rocker said...

Hey Dusti! Remember when I was a kid and wanted to turn Catholic just so I could have a rosarie like Heather Moss's? I love your kitchen window! I hope I can go to the farm with you tomorrow and play! Hearts!!!

Dusti said...

Ooh I'm going to put that inthere...Hope to see you on the morrow!

Unknown said...

Ha, Bran, and the one day of the year that they actually gave out rosaries at St. Gabriel's was the day you happened to come with us to Mass. My mom was so embarrassed because she didn't want your parents to think we were trying to indoctrinate you or anything.

And hi Dusti - I requested you as a facebook friend, too. :)