The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am so fancy that this is how I do water.

After a long and wonderful day spent baking homemade chocolate cupcakes and planting a flat of pansies I settled down with a glass of water and relaxed. The weather was the perfect amount of cold and the sun was shining. I spent most of the afternoon with the heat turned off and the doors open, coming in and out of the house doing chores. I made cupcakes for my MS group's Christmas get together and replanted my front porch pots with gorgeous winter cabbages surrounded by multicolored pansies. I also raked and swept the tiny porch on the side of my house and cleaned everything up, throwing lots of crap away, planting bulbs, relocating a rosebush, and putting more pansies in the flower bed. I just love days like this, when you get done and everything is improved at the end of the day.
As a landlord once told my parents when they were young and renting a house in Picayune, "I try to keep this place beautified"! I try to keep it beautified on the inside too. Last year when I was gimped up with MS I vowed to purge stuff and make everything neater and simpler in my home. I have made significant progress I suppose, but still have a lot to do ahead of me. I have two spare rooms that need to be emptied of so much useless crap, and a back porch I would be horrified for anyone to see.
I watch those shows where a person dies and somebody has to go in their house and empty it out...and sometimes the place is just wrecked and you think "Lord, look at how she was living; just layin' in filth!" If I die I want them to come in my house and say "Well she sure had everything in order and she didn't even know anyone would be coming over!"
When my house is clean it makes my mind feel clear, you know? Cluttered house, cluttered mind. I'm not materialistic but I do love my stuff. None of my stuff is expensive, I'm just too thrifty for that. Besides, yo9u can't just go out and buy the things I like. One of my favorite things is this bird's nest a friend gave my as a birthday gift. Isn't it pretty under this glass cloche? That is the foot of a Cooper's Hawk resting in it. How I came upon the dead hawk is a funny story, for another time...

Bird's nest: free
bird foot: free
glass cloche:$2.12
fancy display: priceless.

1 comment:

Laura Irrgang said...

I mighta been born jus' plain white trash-
but FANCY was-ah my name!!!!!