The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Christmas Time!

Yay! I finally got my little tree standing up straight. It's been jammed in that PBR bucket crooked since I put it up a couple of weeks ago.
Isn't this better?

I had to get a picture of this hot pink electric doll head atrocity; I just love it! I think it's just me though. But you know what? It's my house and I like it so there.

I remember our first fake Christmas tree when I was in kindergarten. We took Dad's Red Truck (it was a 1978 Chevy Diesel that I was in LOVE with) to a store right around the corner from where I now live and took the tree home fully decorated in the back! We went inside and there were these fancy big trees all decked out, Mom saw the one she wanted and said "I want that one right there with all the decorations; load it up". Mom drove home and Dad sat in the back with the tree to keep it from blowing away!
Me and Bran would lay under the tree and look up into the magical wonderland of lights and ornaments. Lord, no wonder kids love Christmas so much! When I was really little we had all the cool tiny wooden toy ornaments and it was so hard not to play with them. I guess I did and that's why they didn't survive all these years later...
But they live on in my memory, along with that magical feeling children get as Christmas draw nigh...

1 comment:

Laura Irrgang said...

Yeah, yeah----
I've already mentioned how fancy you are.