The Gospel According To Dusti

The Gospel According To Dusti


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday night I loaded up the dog and went to McAdenville with Mom, Danny & Ellie. McAdenville is an old mill town south of Charlotte that puts up incredible Christmas lights every year from December 1st through the 26th. They have been doing it for 54 years and people come from miles around and sit through stop and go traffic just to behold the spectacle of thousands of white, green and red lights. It was the kids' first trip to "Christmas town U.S.A."! Mom stayed in the car in the crawling traffic while I got out to walk Roxi with Danny & Ellie.
Along our walk Danny is easily convinced to pose with lit up decorations saying "Show dis to my Mama"! We also passed a group of firemen and a real Santa Claus passing out suckers. Danny told Mimi that was not the real Santa; there's no fooling him. He only just turned four, what a skeptic!
Here he was before we got out and walked. He chanted "GET-OUT-AND-WALK! GET-OUT-AND-WALK!" and Roxi and I were eager to agree with him. It was a beautiful night, just the right amount of cold to be festive but not uncomfortable.
Just one of the houses all decked out for the season...

Gassing up before going into town. Roxi is learning to sit patiently in the back of Mom's car.
A good time was had by all!

1 comment:

Shes Off Her Rocker said...

Beautiful shots of Christmas finery AND those chillin of mine!! Danny is adorable! I missed them all weekend. I have to quit workin and start playin! Me and Do Da!!